Take the best path for employment in Japan!

Japan owning the third-largest economy in the world, is an ideal destination to fulfill your employment dream amidst friendly people, strong social security, decent infrastructure, and many more. We at Akari are ready to help you closely from scratch till you securely settle in Japan!

Take the best path for employment in Japan!

Japan owning the third-largest economy in the world, is an ideal destination to fulfill your employment dream amidst friendly people, strong social security, decent infrastructure, and many more. We at AKARI are ready to help you closely from scratch till you securely settle in Japan!

Take the best path for employment in Japan!

Japan owning the third-largest economy in the world, is an ideal destination to fulfill your employment dream amidst friendly people, strong social security, decent infrastructure, and many more. We at AKARI are ready to help you closely from scratch till you securely settle in Japan!

Take the best path for employment in Japan!

Japan owning the third-largest economy in the world, is an ideal destination to fulfill your employment dream amidst friendly people, strong social security, decent infrastructure, and many more. We at Akari are ready to help you closely from scratch till you securely settle in Japan!

Take the best path for employment in Japan!

Japan owning the third-largest economy in the world, is an ideal destination to fulfill your employment dream amidst friendly people, strong social security, decent infrastructure, and many more. We at Akari are ready to help you closely from scratch till you securely settle in Japan!

Take the best path for employment in Japan!

Japan owning the third-largest economy in the world, is an ideal destination to fulfill your employment dream amidst friendly people, strong social security, decent infrastructure, and many more. We at Akari are ready to help you closely from scratch till you securely settle in Japan!

Take the best path for employment in Japan!

Japan owning the third-largest economy in the world, is an ideal destination to fulfill your employment dream amidst friendly people, strong social security, decent infrastructure, and many more. We at Akari are ready to help you closely from scratch till you securely settle in Japan!

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Who Are We?

Established in June 2015, Akari Private Limited is a Foreign Employment Agency, as well as an Educational Consultancy and Training Center, registered under the License No. 3083 in the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE), that facilitates skilled or unskilled labor migration to cater to employment opportunities in Japan. Located in the heart of Colombo, we serve you from the very first stage of exploring ideal business opportunities to have you acknowledged by the receiving organization in Japan.

Why Choose Us?

Reliability, dependability, and rest-assured quality throughout the process flow are what we stand for!

Best Opportunities

Our dedicated team thrives to explore and seize the best training and employment opportunities in Japan that are in high demand with growth opportunities.

Promising Reliability

We have been recognized by the Sri Lankan government and we take care of the agreements with the receiving organization closely to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Comfortable Working Areas

We serve job opportunities to the care giving in hospitals and elders homes, and hotel trade as well.

Top-notch Service

Our commitment lies on par with generating a long-term stakeholder value. That’s why we care about maintaining service excellence second to none of our competitors.


Check out our up-to-date statistics of success. Have your story counted with them!

Ongoing in house trainees

AKARI workers who are living in Japan

Selected workers on pre-departure training

2030’s Target

Our Vision

To enlighten the future of Sri Lankan youth by setting them the best grounds to enter the foreign labor markets with confidence, hence broadening the employability of Sri Lankans.

Our Mission

To be the dominant advocate in the Foreign Employment Industry, to establish win-win grounds by matching the job seekers’ competencies with the foreign employers via innovative solutions coupled with seamless in-industry service, hence to play a key role in the economic development of Sri Lanka whilst maintaining ground-breaking, long-term stakeholder value through an inspired team.

What do people say about us?


"අකරි ආයතනය, තම සන්නාම නාමය සනාථ කරමින්,අප වැනි ලමුන්ගේ ජිවිත සාර්ථකත්වයට ළං කරමින් ආලෝකමත් කල ආයතනයකි.ඉගෙනීම සිදුකරන කාලසීමාව තුල පොත්පත් සහ කෑම බීම වලට යන වියදම හැරුනු කොට සියලුම නේවාසික පහසුකම් මෙන්ම ජපානයට පැමිණීමට ගුවන් ටිකට්පත දක්වා සියලු දේවල් අපට නොමිලේ ලබාදී ජපානයේ ඇති ඉතා හොඳ රෝහලක රැකියාවක් කිසිම මුදල් අය කිරීමකින් තොරව ලබා දුනි.ලංකාවෙ වෙසෙන අපිට ජපානයට ඒමට විශ්වාසවන්තම තැන අකරි ආයතනය බව පමණක් විශ්වාස කරමි.

ජපානයට පැමිණි පසුත් නිතරම අප ගැන සොයාබලා ඉදිරි කටයුතු සිදුකරන ආකාරය පිලිබඳව උපදෙස් ලබාදෙමින් නිතරම අප සමඟ සම්බන්ද වී සිටින අප ආයතන ප්‍රධානී තුමා මිතුරෙකු ලෙසද පියෙකු ලෙසද අපට නිවෙස් වලින් මග හැරෙන සෙනෙහසද නොඅඩුව ලබා දේ.තම බලාපොරොත්තු සහ දෙමව්පියන්ගේ බලාපොරොත්තු ඉටු කිරීමට කැමති ඕනම කෙනෙකුට අකරි ආයතනයට සම්බන්ද වෙන ලෙස ආරාධනා කරමි. එමෙන්ම අපේ ජීවිත මෙලෙසින් වෙනස් කරගැනීමට උපකාරි වුන ආයතන ප්‍රධානිතුමා ඇතුලු කාර්‍යමණ්ඩලයට ස්තූතිවන්ත වෙමි. තව තවත් අප වැනි තරුණ තරුණියන්ගේ බලාපොරොත්තු ඉටු කිරීමට ශක්තිය ධෛර්‍ය ලැබේවායි පතමි!"

Dilshani Asunika

Hotta Hospital


"මම 2022 වර්ශයේ සිට අද දක්වා මෙම ආයතනයේ රැඳී සිටිනුයේ ඉමහත් තෘප්තියකිනි.මන්ද, මේ වන විට මා මාගේ ජපන් රැකියා සිහිනය යථාර්ථයක් බවට පත්කොට ගෙන සිටින බැවිනි.ජපානයේ රැකියාවක් කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය කායික, මානසික යෝග්‍යතාවය, භාෂා දැනුම, කාල කළමනාකරණය, ජපන් සංස්කෘතිය යනාදී සෑම ක්ෂේත්‍රයන් පිළීබදවම මෙම ආයතනය තුළීන් පුහුණුවක් ලබාදෙයි.දක්ෂ කාර්‍ය මණ්ඩලයක් හා ගුරු මණ්ඩලයකින් සමන්විත වූ අකරි පුද්ගලික ආයතනය,අනෙකුත් විදේශ රැකියා ආයතන සමඟ සසඳා බැලීමේදී, සුවිශේෂීව ඉස්මතු වී පෙනෙන කරුණක් නම්,කිසිදු ආර්ථික වාසියක් බලාපොරොත්තු නොවී, නොමිලේම ජපානයේ රැකියාවක් කිරීමට අවස්ථාවක් ලබාදීමයි.මේ පරිදිම ඉදිරියටත් ආයතනයේ කටයුතු සාර්ථකව පවත්වා ගැනීමට හැකීවේවායි සුභ පතමි!"

Isuri Lakshika

HOHOEMI Elders home


"I have many experiences in a boarding school since childhood, but I was able to succeed in life by adding valuable things to my life such as working punctually at AKARI school and being tidy. And because of one obstacle, I lost the attitude that I can't do anything in AKARI School. Therefore, today I was able to successfully reach my Japanese dream thanks to AKARI School."

Kavindi Tharushika

Well Japanese Language School

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